An old gem

The best thing about being home for the holidays is that I get to dig through my bookshelf and find some books that I want to reread. I’ve currently got a pile of five books sitting on my bedside table, just waiting for me to read them again after the neglect they have been subjected to over the last few years.

The first book on the pile was Looking for Alibrandi by Melina Marchetta, which I sat and read yesterday for probably the third time. When I picked it up off the bookshelf a folded up piece of exam paper fell out and I picked it up in confusion. It was a page of notes for a speech that I made in high school about the book. It reminded me how much of an impact the book had on me the last time I read it, and it did not fail in having the same impact on me again.

I realised last night that the book was written in 1992, a year before I was born. This was unbelievable considering how relevant I found it to my own life experiences.

It is a beautiful coming of age story about a girl called Josephine Alibrandi, an Australian girl from an Italian family, who lives with her mother in Sydney. Throughout the book, Josie meets her father, finds love and deals with death. The reader gets to watch her mature as she goes through her final year of school.

looking for alibrandi

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