Let’s talk about Twilight

Yes I know, it’s been 10 years since Twilight came out, it might be a bit late to be posting about it. But I just re-read the books, and now I have some things I want to say. So here goes.

I read Twilight when I was 13 years old, one year after it was published. The movie came out in 2008, three years after the book was published. During those two years, it felt like I had the book to myself. I loved it when I first read it – what 13-year-old wouldn’t? But when I tried to tell people how good it was, they looked at me like I was mad. I remember standing in front of my grade 8 class, doing a book review oral on Twilight. I had found it in the library and was the third person to ever take it out, even though it had been on the shelf for a year. I tried to tell my class that the vampire wasn’t the bad guy, that he didn’t drink blood or kill people. He could go out during the day and didn’t sleep in a coffin, but it was all a foreign concept back then – the idea of a vampire being good, or sexy. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t get my point across. So I gave up, I stopped talking about it, bought myself a copy (which is a super old hardcover that has a different cover from the red apple we’re all used to), which still sits on my bookshelf today, just a tad bit tatty.

Sadly I'm not home otherwise I would have put a pic of my copy, but for now this will have to do. Pic sourced from here.

Sadly I’m not home, otherwise I would have put a pic of my copy, but for now this will have to do. Pic sourced from here.

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